Participation in sport
- Created by: GHenfrey
- Created on: 01-07-13 14:21
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- Participation as an individual
- Age
- Strength
- Strength decreases as you get older, but most younger people wont acheive maximal strength untill they older.
- Oxygen capacity
- This reduces with age and the heart becomes less efficient. The arteries gradually lose elasticity, increasing blood pressure and reducing blood flow.
- Skill Level
- This can improve with age and experiance, as well as improving as we grow and get stronger.
- Injuries
- The older you get, the longer it takes you to recover from injuries and there is more a chance of you getting one.
- Flexibility
- Flexibility is quite high in teens buts tends to decrease with age. This can coinsine with the tendancy to put on weight which also reduces flexibility.
- Strength
- Gender
- Women Tend to have smaller physiques then men.
- Men have a higher oxygen capacity then women
- Men tend to have more muscle then women with some differences of 40%-50%
- Women have flatter broader pelvises
- Women are more flexible then men
- Women tend to have more fat then men.
- Physique
- Ectomorph
- Endomorph
- Thin
- Mesomorph
- Environment
- Training
- Age
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