GCSE AQA PE Unit1 part1
- Created by: Chris Parsons
- Created on: 27-11-12 16:57
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- The Participant as an individual
- Age
- Flexibility, strength, oxygen capacity decreases as age increases.
- Skill level increases with age and experience.
- Longer recovery time when older.
- Age divisions are needed for fair game.
- Disability
- Physical, mental, permanent or temporary.
- Adaptations can be made
- Paralympics, wheelchair basketball etc
- Sports, rules (such as travelling) etc
- Equipment, ball-bearings in football etc
- Classifications, Athletics use letters (T for track and F for field) etc
- Facilities- access,parking,provision.
- Gender
- Physical Difference
- Body shape, size and physique
- Smaller hearts will pump less oxygen to muscles
- Females have smaller heart and lungs
- Take longer to recover
- Smaller muscles = weaker
- Males are 40-50% stronger and more powerful
- Running style is less efficient
- More fat = heavier
- Females have larger pelvis
- Females have higher % of fat
- Females are smaller
- Perform better in sports that need more power
- Menstruation
- Females suffer from hormonal imbalance
- Cramps decrease participation
- Ligaments weaken making females prone to more injuries
- Females and Males don’t compete against each other in physical sports because:
- Injuries are easily caused
- Women are disadvantaged meaning it is unequal
- Body shape, size and physique
- Physical Difference
- Physique
- Physique - Somatotypes
- Ectomorph
- Eg. Jockey, Gymnastics, Dancer
- Long, fragile, small bodies, slender and thin narrow shoulders and hips, minimal muscle and body fat.
- Endomorph
- Large, high amount of fat,wide hips and narrow shoulders, characterised by fatness.
- Eg. Rugby players, Sumo
- Mesomorph
- Huge strong bones,big chested- body mass well proportioned
- Eg. Swimmer
- Ectomorph
- Physique - Somatotypes
- By Chris Parsons
- Age
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