Themes of the Character & Voice Poetry Cluster
Teacher recommended
?- Created by: pheegrace
- Created on: 01-02-16 11:02
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- Character
- Real People
- On a Portrait of a Deaf Man
- Checking Out Me History
- Imaginary
- Brendon Gallacher
- Real People
- Voice
- First Person Narrative
- Casehistory: Alison (head injury)
- Les Grands Seigneurs
- Direct Speech
- The Ruined Maid
- Singh Song!
- No Voice
- The Hunchback in the Park
- First Person Narrative
- Power
- Lots of Power
- Ozymandias
- The River God
- Control
- Medusa
- My Last Duchess
- Powerless
- Give
- Lots of Power
- Death
- Killing/Murder
- The River God
- My Last Duchess
- Medusa
- Grief/Loss
- Brendon Gallacher
- On a Portrait of a Deaf Man
- Killing/Murder
- Damage
- Physically
- Casehistory: Alison (head injury)
- The Hunchback in the Park
- Reputation
- The Ruined Maid
- Horse Whisperer
- Physically
- Men and Woman
- Love
- Singh Song!
- Brendon Gallacher
- Break Down
- Medusa
- Les Grands Seigneurs
- Love
- Pride
- Arrogance
- Ozymandias
- The River God
- The Clown Punk
- Lack
- Give
- The Hunchback in the Park
- Arrogance
- Identity
- Culture and History
- Checking Out Me History
- Singh Song!
- Change
- Casehistory: Alison (head injury)
- Medusa
- Les Grands Seigneurs
- Culture and History
- Negative Emotions
- Angry and Bitter
- Give
- Checking Out Me History
- My Last Duchess
- Desire for Revenge
- Horse Whisperer
- Medusa
- Angry and Bitter
- Decay
- Change and Decay of Human Body
- Casehistory: Alison (head injury)
- The Clown Punk
- Time Destroys Things and causes Decay
- Ozymandias
- On a Portrait of a Deaf Man
- Moral Decay
- The Ruined Maid
- Change and Decay of Human Body
- Character
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