- Created by: Annalamb
- Created on: 06-11-16 11:13
Ozymandias- Percy Bysshe Shelley
Theme/context- He wrote Ozymandias after hearing about an italian explorer had retrieved the staute from the desert.
What is it about? The narrator meets a traveller wh says about a statue in the desert which is a statue of the king. His face is proud and arrogantly boasts about how powerful he is however, the staue has collapsed so only the ruins remain.
Language Features/ Structural Features- The poem is a sonnet however, doesn't follow a regular rythme. The narrator builds up an image by focusing on different parts of the statue. The use of irony reflects his hatred of oppression and his belief that it's possible to overturn social and political order. ("the decay of that the colossal wreck"- shows how human achievements are insignificant compared to the passing of time) The poem represents human power. However it has been lost becuase nature has ruined the statue over time.
Comparison Poems- My last Duchess- Both built around one character, one clear distinct voice.
London- William Blake
Theme/context- He lived in london therefore saw the conditions in London and what life was like for different people.
What is it about? Describing a walk around London. People are affected ny misery and despair and that no one can escape it. No one does anything to help the people in need like chruches, landowner and the monarchy.
Language Features/ Structural Features- Dramatic monologue. The rythme at the end of each line shows the resentless misery of the city. First two stanzas represent the people he sees and hears whereas, stanza three is about the institutions he holds responsible. Stanza four shows how even new born babies are affected. He uses powerful and emotive words ad images to reinforce the situation. Repetition is used to emphasise the amount of people affected. He uses sense throughout the poem.
Comparison Poems- The emigree and Kamikaze
My Last Duchess- Robert Browning
Theme/Context-Robert was fascinated by the italian Renaissance. Hearing about different events inspired him to write a poem.
What is it about? The duke was angered by the duchesses behavuir who was freidnly towards everyone. He acted to stop the duchesses behavouir but doesnt say how, however there are strong hints towards her being murdred. The duke has a new visitor who arranges his next marriage.
Language feature/ Structural Features- Dramatic monologue. The ryhming couplets show the dukes desire for control but the enjambment shows he gets carried away with his anger. The duke gets caught up in talking about the Duchess instead of the painting. The poem builds towards confussion. He had power and contold over the duchess.
Key quotes- "My last Duchess painted on the wall" " none puts by the curtain ihave drawn for you, but I"
Comparison Poems- Ozymandias
The Charge of the Light Brigade- Alfred Tennyson
Theme/Context- He wrote the poem as a tribute to the poeple who died.
What is it about? Describes the war during the Crimean war. A misunderstanding meant the soldiers went to advance into a space which was surrounded by enemy soldiers.
Language Features/Structural Features- Its written in thrid person. The rythme creates a fast pace which could represent the horses footsteps. Tells the story in chronological order. The repetition creates a sense of impending doom and the use of "six hundered men" shows that there was a large nummber of men involved. The poet uses powerfu verbs and adjectives to give a strong sense of violence.
Key Quotes- "Rode the six hundered", "Not the six hundered", "Left the six hundred", "Noble six hundered"
Comparison Poems- Poppies, Remains, Bayonet Charge, Exposure and War Photographer.
Storm on the Island
Theme/context- He was a Northern Irish poet. He often wrote about childhood, nature and his homeland.
What is it about? Talks about how a cmmunity is prepared for a storm, however s the poem goes on their confidence disappears. The end describes the fear as the poem hits the island.
Language features/structural features- Written in blank verse which makes the poem sound like a conversation. The poem is in one stanza. uses alot of words to do wiht saety but at the end talks about fear. The poet also uses violent imagery.
Key Quotes- "We are prepared", " Youknow what i mean"
Comparison quotes- Bayonet Charge, London, The emigree.
Poppies- Jane Weir
Theme/context- The poem was written about a 21st century war memory.
What is it about? A mother describes her son leaving home to join the army. Its about the emotional reaction she feels towards her son leaving. After he leaves she goes to places that remind her of him.
Language feautures/structural features- The rreader get a strong impression of the mothers emotions. There is no regular ryhme. Long sentences means she is absorbed in her own thoughts and memories. The poemis chronoligical. The poet uses war imagery through out to symbolise the danger her son could be in
Key quotes- "Like a wishbone", "I was brave"
Comparison poems- War photography
War Photographer-Carol Ann Duffy
Theme/context- Written as part of her collection
What is it about? He is in a dark room developing pictures from war. As the photo develops more memories come back. At the end it talks about the photos being in the sunday papers.
Language features/structural features- The poem has 4 stanzas and has a regular rythme. The poem follows the actions and thoughts of the photographer. In the third stanza the poet remembers a death. She uses religious imagery and compares war zones to rural England.
Key quotes- "A hundered agonies in black and white"
Comparison poems- Bayonet Charge, Remains
Tissue- Imtiaz Dharker
Theme/context- Written as part of her series. She was born in Pakistan and raised in Glasgow.
What is it about?Talks about the importace of paper as a means of recording history. Then it talks about how the paper is fragile. The last stanza looks at creating things like human life.
Language features/structural features- The poem focuses on humanity, The irregular rythme gives the poem freedom and openess. The short stanzas mean the poem is built up in layers. Three main parts; history, human experience and the creation of human life. Uses language about light and creation. Talks about the different types of tissue.
Key quotes- "Paper", "If buildings were paper"
Comparison poems- Ozymandias and Poppies
Checking Out Me History- John Agard
Theme/context- Born in South America. His poetry examines cultures and identities.
What is it about? Talking about his identityand his knwledge of history. He was taugght about british history but not histoy from his own roots. Mentions me and women from diverse backgrounds. Talks about creating his own identity.
Language features/structural features- Uses a mixture of stanza forms. The Caribbean history has shorter lines then the british history.The poem alternates between historical and fictional figures, emphazing the differences in history. The poem says his education has hidden him from his identity.
Key quotes- "dem tell me", "Bandage up me eye with me own history"
Comparison poems- London and Tissue
Exposure- Wilfred Owen
Theme/context- He wrote the poem not long before he was killed in battle. The poem is about the wars waste of ife and its horrific conditions.
What is it about? Soldiers in WW1 are awake at night afraid of the enemy. However nature is there main enemy as it is cold and wet. They feel the only way keeping their loved ones safe is to sacrafice themselves.
Language features/structural features- Written in first person. Each stanza has a regular rhyme throughout. The ryhmes are jagged like the mens experience and it reflects their confusion. Each stanza ends with half a line to represent the lack of hope. The poem has 8 stanzas and nature is used as the main enemy. Uses bleak imergary.
Key quotes- "both nothing happens", "our brains ache"
Comparison poems- Charge of the Light Brigade and Bayonet Charge
Bayonet Charge
Theme/context- His father serveed in WW1 and survived. Ted spent two years as a mechanic in the RAF before going to uni.
Whta is it about? Focuses on a single soldiers experience of a charge towards theenemy line. It describes his thoughts and feelings as he tried to stay alive. The soldiers emotion and motivation is fear which is replaced with patriotic ideals the he held before the violence began.
Language features/structural features- The poem uses enjambments and has uneven line lengths which creates an irregular rhythm which mirrors the soldier struggling. The first stanza sees the soldier acting on instinct but time stands still in stanza two. In the final stanza he has lost all hope and gives up. He uses violent and natural imagery throughout the poem.
Key quotes- "suddenly he awoke", "he almost stopped", "rolled like a flame"
Comparison poems- Exposure, The Charge of the Light Brigade
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