


OK. Let me get one thing straight: Poppies was not written 'when British Soldiers were dying in World War One in Iraq and Afghanistan' as that makes very little sense for WW1 ended in 1918. I understand why reference has been made however, Weir was partly inspired by Wilfred Owens mother - Wilfred Owen was a famous poet who died in WW1 (he wrote Exposure - also in the anthology) - and all women who are left behind. The poem was published in a collection in the Guardian newspaper in 2009. Weir gave a voice to the women who are left behind but are still affected by war. This collection was published around the time of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan so I understand again why reference has been made here and this is part of the point is relatively, factually correct. Perhaps in future proof read work before publishing.



Here is my breakdown of the poem:

Poppies - SPITS Breakdown

Just for a different perspective.

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