GCSE PE Paper 2 set 6

  • Created by: mduffield
  • Created on: 04-05-23 20:29
Name 3 positives of having spectators.
Create an atmosphere
Home Field Advantage
Source of revenue/Create Profit
1 of 16
Name 3 negatives of having spectators
Pressure on the performers can make them perform worse
Can scare younger performers from playing (not use to the large crowd)
Can cause crowd trouble and hooliganism
It can cost a lot of money to manage the crowd (stewards/police/cameras to ensure safety)
2 of 16
What is 'Home field advantage'?
Gaining an advantage in a sporting event from being in familiar surroundings, with the majority of spectators supporting you.
3 of 16
What is Hooliganism?
The disorderly, aggressive and often violent behaviour by spectators at sporting events
4 of 16
Name 5 causes of Hooliganism.
Rivalries and derby games
Media hype
Influence of alcohol or drugs
Links with gang culture
Frustration due to decisions or officials
Display of masculinity
5 of 16
Give 5 strategies that can be used to combat Hooliganism.
Early Kick offs.
All seater stadiums
Segregation of fans
Improved security (CCTV)
Alcohol restrictions
Travel bans
Improved education
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What is the definition of Health?
A complete state of physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.
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What is the definition of Fitness?
The ability to meet, or cope with, the physical demands of the environment
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What is 'sedentary lifestyle'?
A person's choice to engage in little or irregular physical activity
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Name 5 consequences of a sedentary lifestyle
Becoming obese
Heart disease
Poor sleep
Poor self esteem
Lack of friends
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What is obesity?
A term used to describe people with a large accumulation of fat – caused by an imbalance in the calories consumed to energy expenditure.
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Name 4 physical effects of obesity.
Higher chance of developing Cancer
Increased risk of Heart disease
Increased risk of Diabetes
Increased chance of High Cholesterol
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Name 2 mental effects of obesity
Loss of confidence
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Name 2 social effects of obesity
Inability to socialise
Inability to leave home
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Describe the 3 different somatotypes
Endomorph - Large waist, higher %of body fat
Mesomorph - large shoulders and high muscle mass
Ectomorph - tall and skinny
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What is the average amount of Calories required for a man and a woman per day?
The average adult male requires 2,500 Kcal/day and the average adult female requires 2,000 Kcal/day but this is dependent upon:
energy expenditure (exercise).
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name 3 negatives of having spectators


Pressure on the performers can make them perform worse
Can scare younger performers from playing (not use to the large crowd)
Can cause crowd trouble and hooliganism
It can cost a lot of money to manage the crowd (stewards/police/cameras to ensure safety)

Card 3


What is 'Home field advantage'?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Hooliganism?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name 5 causes of Hooliganism.


Preview of the front of card 5
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