What is Child's approach to politics and the media?
3 main approaches - Symbolic annihilation, Stereotypical representation, Gendered Mediation
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what is symbolic annihilation?
Gendered differences in the amount of media coverage.
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what is an example of symbolic annihilation?
Study by Loughborough Uni - only 1 woman in the top 10 media appearances in the 2015 general election
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what is stereotypical representation?
conventional stereotypes of femininity/masculinity being linked with politics
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what are some examples of stereotypical representation in the media?
"The Downing Street Catwalk", "Childless Politicians" - all women.
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What is Gender Mediation?
media frames that treat the masculine standard as normative
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What do Gidengill and Everitt say about gendered mediation?
Political news coverage employs a masculine narrative that emphasises conflict and confrontational behaviour as the norm. This means women feel pressured to behave confrontationally to fit the narrative
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Why is women behaving counter according to Gender Norms problematic?
because this becomes news worthy and then the media just focusses on this behaviour
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what is the 'double bind' and who came up with it?
Jamieson 1995 - living up to masculine expectations, whilst 'managing' femininity. The Ireeconcilable choice between being perceived as likeable but incompetent, or competent but cold
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Has Gender in politics always been a distinction b/w men and women?
no - gender dynamics have been a part of politics from the beginninginning.
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what does Duerst-Lahti say about masculinity in politics?
masculinity is embedded in the traditions that dominate the presidency
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what are male political campaigns a struggle over?
The dominant form of hegemonic masculinity. e.g. Ronald Reagan facing up to a bear political ad
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How is masculinity established by male politicians?
established by subjugating its more feminine counterparts (perceived as weaknesses) e.g. Biden saying he could beat Trump "like a drum"
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who is Carme Chacon and why is she symbolically important?
April 2008 - the 1st woman minister of defence in spain inspects the line of the honour guard of Spanish UNPK force at military base in Lebanon whilst 7 months pregnant!
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what can media outlets be seen as?
'symbol handlers' that shape how issues and actors are presented. There is an interactive relationship whereby political actors actively participate in construction of media representations
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what is symbolic annihilation?
Gendered differences in the amount of media coverage.
Card 3
what is an example of symbolic annihilation?
Card 4
what is stereotypical representation?
Card 5
what are some examples of stereotypical representation in the media?
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