Roles and Individual Differences 0.0 / 5 ? Physical EducationRoles and Individual DifferencesGCSEAQA Created by: Elliewelly09Created on: 30-10-13 09:27 What are the four individual differences? Gender, Age, Disability and Physique 1 of 24 Why do men and women rarely compete against each other? Because of some differences in our physical make-up 2 of 24 Why does the age of a person affect someone's chances of taking part in certain sports? There may be age limits for joining certain clubs such as golf, netball or rugby 3 of 24 What are the main factors creating the individual shape of a person? Height, weight, body fat, muscle girth and bone size 4 of 24 Which huge even brought a lot of awareness to diabled sport? The Paralympics as it helped people realise it's just as important as able-bodied sport 5 of 24 What is somatotyping? A method of identifying people by their body shape/physique. 6 of 24 How is each somatotype determined? By the amount of fat, muscle and bone that makes up the body 7 of 24 What is an endomorph? Tendency to put on fat, soft roundness of shape, short limbs, small bones and wide hips 8 of 24 Give an example of an endomorph Prop in rugby, sumo wrestler 9 of 24 What is a mesomorph? High proportion of muscle, bone, large trunk, heavy chest, broad shoulders and narrow hips 10 of 24 Give an example of a mesomorph Sprinter, Swimmer, centre in netball 11 of 24 What is an ectomorph? Lean, fragile, delicate body, small bones, narrow at shoulders and hips 12 of 24 Give an example of an ectomorph Jockey, Marathon runner 13 of 24 How can heat affect your performance in sport? If it's too warm you could become dehydrated and find it harder to perform to your best ability 14 of 24 Give an example of how heat can affect your performance If you're running you might run slower as you get tired quicker 15 of 24 How can the weather affect your performance in sport? Affects visability, changes the course of objects 16 of 24 Give an example of how the weather can affect your performance The way you play football will change if the weather becomes windier 17 of 24 How can pollution affect your performance in sport? Can affect breathing and visability in high polluted areas e.g. burning fossil fuels 18 of 24 How can the altitude affect your performance in sport? Is high up where there's less oxygen, so your body gets use to less oxygen so you can run for longer 19 of 24 How can the humidity affect your performance in sport? Difficult to breath as the air is clamy and stuffy 20 of 24 How can the cold affect your performance in sport? If it's really cold you are more likely to injure yourself as it's harder to keep your muscles warm 21 of 24 Give an example of how the cold can affect your performance If you run on mountains you're more likely to injure yourself 22 of 24 How can terrain affect your performance in sport? If you are running on wet grass or wet tarmac you could slip because it's wet and it's harder to keep your grip 23 of 24 What are the six different categories of activities? Games, athletics, health and fitness, dance, gymnastics and life saving and personal survival and OAA 24 of 24
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