trtrt 0.0 / 5 ? Physical EducationDiet, drugs, smoking, alcoholGCSEAQA Created by: beckychorltonCreated on: 13-02-14 16:12 metabolic the whole range of biochemical processes that occur within us 1 of 41 aerobic exercise exercise carried out using a supply of oxygen 2 of 41 aerodynamic shaped to reduce the drag of air passing over it 3 of 41 alveoli small air sacs in the lungs where gaseous exchange takes place 4 of 41 ambidextrous the ability to use both hands with equal levels of skill 5 of 41 analog a basic signal usually transmitted and received by an aerial 6 of 41 apartheid a policy of separating groups especially because of race or colour 7 of 41 physique the form, size and development of a persons body 8 of 41 tactics prearranged and rehearsed strategies or method of play 9 of 41 technique the manner or way in which someone carries out or performs a particular skill 10 of 41 vocation a regular occupation for which you would be particularly qualified or suited 11 of 41 open sport an activity that allows both amateurs and professionals to compete together 12 of 41 shamateur someone who competes in an amateur sport but who receives illegal payments 13 of 41 accredited a recognized standard of award leading on to a higher learning level 14 of 41 proficiency being adequately or well qualified 15 of 41 equity something that is fair/ just or impartial 16 of 41 test match a match played in cricket or rugby by all star teams from different countries 17 of 41 media the various forms of mass communication - radio, tv, the press 18 of 41 propaganda messages aimed at influencing the behavior or opinions of large numbers of people 19 of 41 seeded the best players or teams are selected and kept apart in the early rounds 20 of 41 digital high quality images and sounds that are converted into a digital signal with several stations at the same time 21 of 41 media pressure the way the media may hound or intrude on individuals 22 of 41 tax relief the payment of less tax 23 of 41 minority sports lesser known sports with lower participation levels 24 of 41 exemplar a particularly good example or model of how something should be performed 25 of 41 inspiration being able to motivate and fill someone with the urge to do something 26 of 41 good will a good relationship and popularity 27 of 41 status a level, rank or particular position 28 of 41 endorse giving approval or support to something 29 of 41 pay per view where you can pay to watch a specific event or broadcast 30 of 41 analog a basic single signal transmitted and received by aerial 31 of 41 risk assessment to look at the likelihood of damage or the possible dangers involved in carrying out a particular action or activity 32 of 41 logo a badge/ emblem that a company uses as the representation of the company name 33 of 41 legislation laws/rules/regulations that are legally enforced 34 of 41 kickers protective hockey footwear that fits on over boots 35 of 41 stream line designed to offer little resistance to the flow of air or water 36 of 41 feedback information received as a basic for improvement 37 of 41 deja vu action or performance is replayed back on time delay to review it constantly 38 of 41 technolgy the application of science for practical purposes 39 of 41 trajectory the flight path of an object moving through the air 40 of 41 6 components of fitness strength 41 of 41
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